नक्षत्रों की अंतिम कड़ी रेवती नक्षत्र पर आकर समाप्त होती है, लेकिन यह समाप्ति नहीं बली एक नई शुरुआत की सूचक है. करियर ज्योतिष में रेवती नक्षत्र गंडमूल नक्षत्र का प्रभाव पाता है. इस नक्षत्र में जन्मा जातक अपने करियर में वह कर पाता है जो जन सामान्य के मध्य उनकी प्रसिद्धि और तरक्की का […]
Choosing between a natural conception and IVF can be a tough decision for couples facing fertility challenges. Child astrology can explain how astrology can solve your childbirth issues.
Astrology can provide detailed information into legal matters such as the likelihood of the chances of being found guilty, imprisonment, getting bail, the timing of likely imprisonment and others. It can help address questions about court cases and legal outcomes.
Know your perfect match for a successful marriage with marriage astrology. Find out if you will get your dream partner per your birth chart.
Moon’s position and personality of bride and groom have to be checked before marrying someone with malefic placement of planets as malefic planetary influences, usually are to be blamed for marital mishaps. People who cannot adjust themselves to changing marital situations, go for divorce usually and this is why marriages break. They are usually low […]