Expedia offers different fare types which may be fully refundable, partially refundable, or non-refundable. Expedia displays this information during the booking process so you can choose the best fare type for your trip.
Expedia will work with the Airline to find you a similar Flight, then notify you through its app, by email, or by text. For urgent (for example, same-day) changes, they may also call you. You can contact Expedia customer service with questions if you donโt hear from them in a timely manner after being notified of the cancellation.
Fees Expedia doesnโt charge a Flight cancellation fee. However, the Airline might charge a fee to cancel, depending on the fare type purchased. If this is the case, Expedia will pass this cost on to you. You can see the Airlineโs fees, rules, and restrictions for your Flights in your Expedia itinerary.