Now that we have got the best options from the social bookmarking site list, it is important to analyze how you can make a submission to the social bookmarking site.The process is easy and straightforward, however, you do need to be sure of how you can go about and exactly what your field of bookmarking is.Step 1: Selection: the first and foremost option is to choose the social bookmarking site that you want to go forthwith. It could be the top one that we had mentioned in the social bookmarking sites list in or even the other options that are mentioned at the end of this article.You have to understand that each site has its own proforma and to stick to that you have to maintain the routine. You can also choose multiple sites for a better outcome.Step 2: Choose to upload the Content as well as the links: this usually depends on which site you are choosing to bookmark. However, the preliminary auction remains the same irrespective of the site you go forthwith.All you need to do is copy the content of the page and then paste it into the upload bar. The link will be bookmarked to the social bookmarking site easily and people will be able to click and visit the target website right away!.Step 3: Connect Social Media: a very crucial part of any kind of Search Engine Optimization is to ensure that it has a valid social media link as well. Bookmarking allows you to do that and ensure that your social media site is linked as well.Pay Attention to The Keywords: another very important factor to remember while ensuring your social bookmark for search Engine Optimization, is very important that you use the right dose of keywords. This will ensure that you are able to reap the benefits and can attract the desired traffic very easily.Advantages of Social Bookmarking Activity in SEO?Now that we have learned what exactly is a social bookmarking site and how one can exactly use it, it is also important that we learn the best advantages which make up for the popularity. Today we see that social bookmarking is a very common concept and is picked up by most who want to boost their traffic. Not only that, numerous sites are popping up every other day and hence adding more to the popularity. In such a scenario it is important to understand exactly what are the advantages which help manifold.Increased TrafficOne of the most common and direct impacts of search engine optimization in a social bookmarking site is that it helps in increased traffic. When you bookmark a specific site in any of the sites from the social bookmarking site list, automatically you garner a lot of traffic.This helps people to find your website and visit the same site at one go. Impacting the traffic of your website is the most common and potent way in which social bookmarking sites work wonders.The time frame required to get that traffic is also quite less and in no time you generate the traffic that you had been hoping for. Most of these sites have millions of users and once you are able to make a mark, it does reach out to millions.Organic TrafficThe one potent problem with search engine optimization is that if it is not done in the right way it can take down your website and it will be impossible to get the initial reach. However, by using a social bookmarking site, you will be able to render organic traffic and that too very easily.It is also best to trust organic traffic to avoid any kind of mishandling. Not only that, when you render organic traffic, the impact, as well as the reach, is also much better and promising.Creates Brand IdentityWith a steady increase in the traffic and the nature of the traffic generated, you are automatically able to build on brand identity. This is very important to ensure that as a business or as a company, you are acknowledged as credible to your audience.